14 November 2006

Berwick upon Tweed click here to see more

On Jerry's last Sunday home this time we decided to drive down to England, the northern most city, Berwick upon Tweed and tour around. It's lovely! It's a quick drive, an hour or so, and we stopped off at a Scuba Diving place along the way, believe it or not this is a diving area... braver people than I, to dive in the cold, cold water, but it seems to be all dry suit diving anyway... so

Berwick (pronounced Berrick) was a joy. We of course brought Louis along, he wasn't too excited to see all the old ramparts.

It's was also Guy Fawkes day 5 November, it's a big firework day etc... so we wanted to be back to Edinburgh in Time for the fireworks... which we were and they were fabulous. If you want to know more about Guy Fawkes and why they celebrate this... heres a linkhttp://www.bonefire.org/guy/



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