15 March 2008

count down.......

Well there are only 16 days left before I leave!!!!!! Cannot believe it's coming to an end. I'm spending my last days meeting up with all my pals and reconnecting with colleagues from the University etc. Don't want to miss a thing or an opportunity while I'm still here. I actually have my clothes organised in suitcases already to come home... I'm ready, physically and emotionally. It's been a hell of a ride over here and I don't regret coming at all!!! I have missed St. Louis and my family, but it was a chance of a lifetime to study over here and work for the film festival, who knows maybe I'll come back and work with them again some day! Very excited to bring Louis back with me, he'll love meeting his cousins, Roland and Lucy, and it'll be fun to take him around Forest Park, although he's not used to being on a leash, but he's good on it when he has to be on one.

Jerry isn't coming to St Louis until June. He'll be in Nigeria starting his new job there. Hopefully by the time he makes it to St. Louis, I'll have a house all picked out and we can start our life in the USA!!!!


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