27 March 2006

Thought for the day....

It occured to me today whilst sitting in a coffee house contemplating the rainy day outside (I know,...life's tough out here for a pimp!)..As I was saying... I watched a group of young men, 25 year olds or so, and how they interacted with eachother. I've always envied he male bond amongst eachother, team mates, comraderie. I've decided why it is such an appealing friendship style... it's simple and honest. I love my girl friends dearly and the deep bonds we have I'd never change. But what I'm saying is, that the boys look so appealing because of the lack of complication..that look of walking insync with eachother, hands in pockets, swaggering down the street, I love it... there's something very powerful to me in the image of a group of young blokes together,... just being!

Alright, that's it, for what it's worth... Funny where your mind will take you when it's raining.


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