21 September 2007

Dissertation Deadline has been Met!!!!!

Well, I was a bit concerned last week, when I wasn't finished editing my dissertation (which was due 14 September, Friday) I was cleared for turning it in a week late in order to still make graduation in November. All I can say is .... I wish I had more time to work on it, but I just couldn't justify putting it off until next July's graduation, I didn't that much more time.... and as my personal student advisor said, "when you reach a certain age, you know when it's time to just get the job done!!" I couldn't agree more.... I am so ready to be finished with this degree. Although it is only a year programme, it's been a long time studying and I'm ready to move on.

ANYWAY, IT'S FINISHED AND IT'S SUBMITTED!!! So anyone reading this cross your fingers it's accepted and I graduate on time!!


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